Opel of Frontera
+ Cars of mark Opel Frontera
- Current leaving and service
The routine maintenance schedule
Current leaving
The information on adjustment
Check of levels of liquids
Check of a condition of tyres and pressure in them
Replacement of impellent oil and the oil filter
Check of level of a liquid of system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel
Rotation of wheels
Check of a condition and replacement of hoses of an impellent compartment
Condition check, adjustment of a tension and replacement приводного a belt (only for engines with tension adjustment)
Check and adjustment of turns of idling of the engine and level WITH
Check of a condition of the battery, care it and gymnastics
Check and replacement of spark plugs
Check and replacement candle ВВ wires, a cover and бегунка the distributor
Check of level of oil in a manual box of a gear change and a distributing box
Check of level of a lubricant liquid of differential of forward and back bridges
Check of fuel system
Check of functioning of system of cooling
Check of a condition of system of release of the fulfilled gases
Check of a condition of components of a suspension bracket and steering
Check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts of forward wheels
Make check of brake system and replacement of a brake liquid with the subsequent prorolling
Check of a condition and replacement of brushes of screen wipers
Refuelling of a cooler of system of cooling
Replacement of the fuel filter
Replacement трансмиссионного oils РКПП and a distributing box
Replacement of a lubricant liquid of differential of forward and back bridges
Replacement of a distributive belt of the engine
+ The engine
+ Cooling and heating systems
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Kardannye shaft, the main transfer
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Controls and operation
+ Electric equipment schemes
Refuelling of a cooler of system of cooling
The prevention Do not suppose antifreeze hit on your skin and the painted surfaces of the car. At hit immediately wash off a plentiful quantity of water. Antifreeze is extremely toxic and mortally dangerous at hit in an organism. Do not leave antifreeze in the open container or spilt on a floor; its sweetish smell can easily involve in itself children or pets. Consult about local rules of recycling of the fulfilled antifreeze. In many areas there are special centres on its acceptance.
1. The cooling system should be drained, washed out regularly and again be filled. This procedure is made for quality maintenance охладительной mixes and preventions of formation of corrosion which reduces an overall performance of system of cooling and can serve as an engine cause of a failure. During service of system of cooling it is necessary to check also a condition of all hoses and a cover of a radiator and in case of need to replace defective components. Frost resistance of a cooler check by means of special ареометра. |
The prevention The radiator and cooling tubes are made of aluminium. For an exception of damages owing to corrosion the system should be filled only with a liquid resolved by firm Opel. It is impossible to use liquids of other types even if they guarantee reliable work of system of cooling.
1. Establish a control lever a heater on the panel of devices in position “Heiss” ("Hotly"). |
2a. Turn away a stopper of a broad tank. If the engine hot, wait, and then completely turn away a stopper. The arrangement of a broad tank is shown on illustrations more low. |
2b. Otvorachivanie stoppers of a broad tank (the engine 2.0). |
2c. A broad tank of the engine of 2.4 l. |
3. Merge cooling liquid, having turned away a stopper of a radiator or having disconnected the bottom hose. If the cooling liquid is in a satisfactory condition, it can be collected in capacity for the further use. Otherwise it is necessary for utilising in appropriate way. |
1. After full drainage of system wash out a radiator pure water from a garden hose so that from a drain aperture or the bottom hose pure water poured out. If the radiator has strongly rusted, is damaged or proceeds, it should be removed (see the Head of System of cooling and heating) and to send in repair shop to the expert in radiators. |
2. The washing described above will remove various adjournment from a radiator, but cannot remove a rust and a scum from surfaces of the engine and a cooling pipe. All can be removed it by means of a chemical cleaner. For performance of this procedure follow instructions of the manufacturer of a cleaner. Before engine washing open a drain stopper of the block of cylinders. |
3. On accordingly equipped models remove переливной a hose from a broad tank. Drain a tank, wash out its pure water and connect a hose. |
For an exception of hit of air to fill system with a cooling liquid it is necessary as follows:
1. A control lever a heater establish in position “Heiss” ("Hotly"). |
2. Attach to a radiator the bottom hose. |
3. Make cooling liquid of antifreeze and water in the ratio, corresponding to temperature of operation of the car (see the Head of System of cooling and heating). Separate pouring of water and antifreeze as it will not provide necessary quality of a mix is not supposed. |
4. Fill in a liquid in a broad tank to the top edge and wrap a stopper. |
5. Start the engine and allow to it to work, the fan (will not join yet approximately at temperature 90 ). It is recommended after that the engine again completely to cool. |
6. Check up level of a cooling liquid in a broad tank. If level does not reach a mark “Kalt” ("Coldly"), it is necessary to add a liquid. Air leaves system itself, i.e. it is not necessary to open for this purpose any stopper. |
To add in system simple water it is not supposed. |