Opel Frontera

Since 1992 of release

Repair and car operation

Opel of Frontera
+ Cars of mark Opel Frontera
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Cooling and heating systems
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Kardannye shaft, the main transfer
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Controls and operation
- Electric equipment schemes
   Electric chains with 100 on 199
   Electric chains with 200 on 1199
   Electric chains with 200 on 299
   Electric chains with 300 on 399
   Electric chains with 400 on 499
   Electric chains with 500 on 599
   Electric chains with 600 on 699
   The scheme of cable plaits (2 дверный the car)
   The scheme of cable plaits (4 дверный the car)


Cхемы electric equipments


Number concluded in a framework, for example, 406, specifies in a chain having continuation with same number. The name of elements are resulted according to DIN 40719, a designation of lines according to DIN 47002.
Colour marks, for example, GE WS 1.5 specify that primary colour GE = yellow, and on it marks WS = the white are put. The designation 1.5 specifies in the area of cross-section section in мм2, in this case 1.5 мм2. Decoding of the resulted designations is available on with...
The schemes resulted on following pages consist of two parts, i.e. the following part of the scheme is resulted on the following page. Some imposing of sites of the scheme facilitates reading. On schemes consumers of a current of diesel engines are resulted.

Explanatories to electric chains with co-ordinates with 100 on 199

F9D The Safety lock in the block of safety locks 117
F6E The Safety lock in the block of safety locks, an impellent compartment 150
F7D The Safety lock in the block of safety locks, a forward wall 190
F37 The Safety lock, the pump of a cooling liquid, the diesel engine 194
F36 The Safety lock, filter heating, the diesel engine 181
F11E The Fuse in the block of safety locks, an impellent compartment 103
F12E The Fuse in the block of safety locks, an impellent compartment 104
G1 The Storage battery 100
G2 The Generator 112
G6 The Generator (only the diesel engine)
K25 The heating Relay (only the diesel engine) 171 - 174
K68 The Relay of system of injection 143 - 147
K61 The Block of management Motronic 116 - 141
K80 The Relay of heating of the filter (only the diesel engine) 181 - 183
K81 The Relay of the pump of a cooling liquid (only the diesel engine) 194 - 197
K82 The Relay of number of turns of the engine (only the diesel engine) 189, 190
L1 The Coil of ignition 117 and 118
M1 The Starter 107 and 108
M1 The Starter (only the diesel engine) 158, 159
M21 The Fuel pump (only the diesel engine) 150
M33 The Element of adjustment of idling 129 - 130
P12 The Gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid 119
P32 The Gauge of oxygen warmed 140 - 141
P34 The Potentiometer throttle заслонки 122 - 124
P35 The Gauge of angular speed of a cranked shaft 135 - 137
P52 The Measuring instrument of quantity of air 126 - 130
R5 Heating Candles (the diesel engine) 175, 176
S1 The Switch, a starter 104 and 109
S29 The Temperature switch of a cooling liquid 194
S88 The Temperature switch of a cooling liquid, 2-step 186
U12 Filter Heating (only the diesel engine) 181, 182
U12.1 The Temperature switch (only the diesel engine) 181
U12.2 The heating Resistor (only the diesel engine) 182
Y3 The Electromagnetic valve of ventilation of a fuel tank 145
Y5 The Electromagnetic valve of management of fuel giving (only the diesel engine)
Y7 Atomizers of injection 131 - 138
Y30 The Electromagnetic valve of acceleration of start-up in a cold condition 190
Y31 The Servomotor of adjustment of idling (only the diesel engine) 186
Y33 The Distributor of ignition 114 - 116
X1 The Panel of devices of an impellent compartment 20-kont. 126 and 150
X2 The Impellent compartment-body 16-kont. (Only the diesel engine) 166
X3 The Impellent compartment-body 16-kont. 108, 117 and 166
X4 The Impellent compartment-body 2-kont. 103 and 161
X5 Impellent engine compartments-accessories 2-kont. 107, 108
X13 Diagnostics 10-kont. 121, 125
X15 The Impellent compartment - октановое number 3-kont. 118 - 121
X25 The Impellent compartment-generator 2-kont. (Only the diesel engine) 153, 155
X31 The Body - the starter switch (only the diesel engine) 165 - 168
X31 A starter Body-switch 6-kont. 107 - 110
X40 The Body-chassis 10-kont. (Only the diesel engine) 147
X45 The Body-body behind 20-kont. 150
X89 The Body behind-chassis 3-kont. 150

Colour marks of cables

BL = dark blue
HBL = light blue
BR = the brown
GE = the yellow
GR = the grey
GN = the green
RT = the red
WS = the white
SW = the black
LI = the lilac
VI = the violet

Explanatories to electric chains with co-ordinates with 200 on 299

F32 The Safety lock of heating of a mix 232
E1 The Parking light, left 218
E2 Dimensional light, left 206, 208
E3 An illumination Lantern
Licence plate 200, 202, 212, 214
E4 The Parking light, right 216
E5 Dimensional light, right 204, 210
E7 The Headlight, a headlight, left 226
E8 The Headlight, a headlight, right 230
E9 The Headlight, a passing light, left 227
E10 The Headlight, a passing light, right 229
E17 A backing Lantern, left 269
E18 A backing Lantern, right 272
E20 Antifog light, left 242
E21 Antifog light, right 244
E22 A headlight Headlight, left 234
E23 A headlight Headlight, right 236
E24 Antifog light in a back lantern, left 262
E25 Antifog light in a back lantern, right 259
E26 The Switch of a lamp 216
F1E The Safety lock in the block of safety locks, an impellent compartment 212, 208
F2E The Safety lock in the block of safety locks, an impellent compartment 212, 208
F2D The Safety lock in the block of safety locks, a forward wall 277 - 295
F3E The Safety lock in the block of safety locks, an impellent compartment 277 - 299
F5D The Safety lock in the block of safety locks, a forward wall 259
F8E The Safety lock in the block of safety locks, an impellent compartment 242
F9E The Safety lock in the block of safety locks, an impellent compartment 230, 226
F10E The Safety lock in the block of safety locks 230, 226
H9 The Stoplight, left 280
H10 The Stoplight, right 277
H11 A turn Signal, forward left 288
H12 A turn Signal, back left 286
H13 A turn Signal, forward right 293
H14 A turn Signal, back right 295
H33 The Additional signal of turn, left 289
H34 The Additional signal of turn, right 292
K4 The Relay of inclusion of a headlight 235 - 236
K5 The Relay of inclusion of antifog light 241 - 242
K10 The Breaker of a signal of turn 282, 283
K48 The Block of management 223, 224
K69 The inclusion Relay, lateral and dimensional fires 216, 217
K73 The inclusion Relay, a headlight 227, 228
K89 The Relay of inclusion of antifog light 258 - 259
K110 The Relay of inclusion of antifog light / back antifog light 247 - 249
S5 The inclusion Block, turn signals
S5.1 The Switch, signals of turn 290 - 291
S5.2 The Switch, an emergency signal 292 - 295
S7 The Switch, lanterns of a backing 271
S8 The Switch, a stoplight 277
S21 The Switch, antifog light 239 - 241
S22 The Switch, back antifog light 254 - 256
S140 The Block of inclusion of light
S140.1 The Switch, a parking light 222
S140.2 The Switch, a passing light 223
S141 The Block of switches, turn signals
S141.3 The Switch, a passing light 227, 228
S141.4 The Switch, a light signal 225 - 226
X1 The Panel of devices, an impellent compartment 20-kont. 217
X2 The Impellent compartment-body 18-kont. 212, 222, 269, 273, 292
X3 The Impellent compartment-body 16-kont. 208, 227, 228, 289, 299
X6 The Impellent compartment-transmission 4-kont. 269, 273
X9 The Impellent has cut-additional signal of turn, right 2-kont. 292
X10 The Impellent has cut-additional signal of turn, left 289
X14 The Impellent compartment-signal of turn, left 2-kont. 288
X18 The Impellent compartment-headlight, right 2-kont. 236
X19 The Impellent compartment-headlight, left 2-kont. 234
X20 Impellent has cut-antifog light, right 2-kont. 244
X21 Impellent has cut-antifog light, left 242
X22 The Impellent compartment - a turn signal, right 2-kont. 293
X29 The Body - the panel of devices 14-kont. 282, 241, 256
X29 The Body - of the panel of devices 14-kont. 220, 222, 223
X40 A chassis Body - 10-kont. 208, 212, 273, 277, 286, 296, 263
X45 The Body-body behind 20-kont. 204, 295, 259
X46 The Body-body behind 20-kont. 206, 269, 277, 285
X53 The Panel of devices-relays of inclusion of antifog light 2-kont. 250, 251
X54 Panels of devices-relays of inclusion of antifog light 3-kont. 247
X82 The Chassis - block headlights 13-kont. 208, 212, 273, 281, 286, 296, 263
X83 Block headlights - a back block headlight 4-kont. 208/210, 281, 286, 264
X84 Block headlights - a back block headlight 4-kont. 208/210, 278, 296, 266
X85 Blocks-headlights-dimensional light, left 6-kont. 270, 263
X86 Blocks-headlights-dimensional light, left 6-kont. 273, 260
X92 A back Body-door 6-kont. 202
X93 The Body back - a back block headlight, a body 6-kont. 206/204, 269, 280, 285, 262
X94 The Body back - a back block headlight, a body 6-kont. 206/204, 272, 277, 295
X96 The Door of a back-lanterns of licence plate left / right 2-kont. 202/200
X97 As X96

Applied reductions

AB a safety pillow
ABS antiblocking system
AC the conditioner
AZV the trailer drawbar
AT automatic transmission
BR the onboard computer
CC self-diagnostics (check-control)
CRC темпостат (system of stabilisation of speed, differently cruise-control)
D the diesel engine
DID the information display
DS protection against stealing
DWA system of the anticreeping alarm system
DZM a tachometre
EFC сдвижная a roof with the electric drive
EKR the fuel electropump
EKS protection against a jamming (a window drive)
EMP a radio receiver
EUR the engine corresponding to Euronorms
EZ + EZ + with self-diagnostics
EZV system Ecotronic
FH стеклоподъемник
HS back glass
HW a back screen wiper
HZG heating
HRL illumination of a back part of salon
INS the device
IRL internal illumination
KAT каталитический neutralizer
KBS a plait of cables
KV the distributor of contacts
LCD the liquid crystal display
LHD the car with the left management
LWR adjustment of range of light of headlights
M1.5 A control system of engine Bosch-Motronic M 1.5
M1.5.4 A control system of engine Motronic M 1.5.4
MID the information display
MOT system Motronic
MT a manual transmission
MUL multiitem system of injection
NS forward antifog light
NSL back antifog light
OEL alarm system system about oil level/pressure
OPT the equipment by request
PBSL inclusion of lay and brake protection
P/N Neutral position of the selector (automatic transmission)
POT a potentiometer
RC levelling system, a suspension bracket of wheels
RFS backing fires
RHD the car with the right steering
SD сдвижная a roof
SH seat heating
SRA a windscreen washer
TANK the gauge of level of fuel in a tank
TC антипробуксовочная system
TD a turbodiesel
TFL a daylight at movement
TEMP the remote thermometer
TKS the switch of door contact
TSZI inductive system of ignition on transistors
VGS the carburettor
WEG the frequency gauge of a way
WHR adjustment of height of the car
WS an alarm signal
ZV the central lock
ZYL the cylinder
4WD a full drive

Explanatories to electric chains with co-ordinates with 300 on 399

F1D The Safety lock in the block of safety locks, a forward wall 303
F11D The Safety lock in the block of safety locks, a forward wall 321
F12D The Safety lock in the block of safety locks, a forward wall 322
K35 The Timer of a warmed mirror of an exterior 395, 397
K37 The management Block, the central lock 333 - 337, 312 - 316
K49 The management Block, стеклоподъемник 326 - 332, 342 - 364
M14 The Engine, стеклоподъемник, a door of the driver 355
M15 The Engine, стеклоподъемник, the party of the forward passenger 327 and 350
M16 The Engine, стеклоподъемник back left 346
M17 The Engine, стеклоподъемник back right 359
M19 The Engine, the central lock, a door back left 318, 319
M20 The Engine, the central lock, a door back right 321, 322
M30 An exterior Mirror, the party of the driver 381 - 383
M31 An exterior Mirror, the party of the forward passenger 392 - 394
M32 The Engine, the central lock, the party of the forward passenger 306, 307
S37 The inclusion Block, стеклоподъемник
S37.1 The Switch стеклоподъемника, left 342, 343
S37.2 The Switch стеклоподъемника, right 362, 363
S37.3 The Switch стеклоподъемника, back left 348, 349
S37.4 The Switch стеклоподъемника, the back right
S37.5 The Switch of a safety lock 345
S41 The Switch of the central lock, a door of the driver 302 - 304
S68 The Switch of a mirror of an exterior 379 - 386
S68.1 The Switch of adjustment of a mirror of an exterior 379 - 384
S68.2 The Switch of heating of a mirror of an exterior 385 - 386
S68.3 The Switch of a mirror of an exterior, left/right 379 - 384
S77 The Switch стеклоподъемника, forward left 326 - 328
S78 The Switch стеклоподъемника, forward right 330 - 332
S79 The Switch стеклоподъемника, a back left door 340 - 342
S80 The Switch стеклоподъемника, a back right door
X33 The Body-door of the driver 8-kont. 382, 384, 395, 397
X34 The Body-door of the driver 6-kont. 303, 304, 312, 313, 331, 332, 355, 356
X35 The Body-door of the forward passenger 6-kont. 392 - 395
X36 The Body-door of the driver 4-kont. 306, 307, 315, 316, 327, 328, 350, 351
X39 The Body-console 8-kont. 321, 322, 326-328, 331-333
X45 The Body-body back 2-kont. 321, 322, 337, 340
X46 The Body-body back 20-kont. 370
X57 The Door-engine, стеклоподъемник, the party of the driver 2-kont. 355, 356
X58 The Engine-door of the forward passenger, стеклоподъемник 2-kont. 327.328.350, 351
X61 The Door the driver-mirror of an exterior, the party of the driver 381 - 384
X62 The Door the forward passenger-mirror of an exterior, the party of the forward passenger 392 - 395
X64 The Door the driver-switch of a mirror of an exterior 9-kont. 379 - 385
X65 The Body back-door back left 8-kont. 318, 319, 338, 339, 341, 343, 346, 347
X66 The Body back-door back right 8-kont. 321, 322, 359 - 362, 364, 366
X67 The Back left door - the electric motor стеклоподъемника 2-kont. 346, 347
X68 The Back right door - the electric motor стеклоподъемника 359, 360
X71 The Body back-console 18-kont. 350, 351, 370

Explanatories to electric chains with co-ordinates with 400 on 499

F5E The Safety lock in the safety lock block, an impellent compartment 479
F6D The Safety lock in the safety lock block, a forward wall 411, 429
K8 The Relay of intervals of a screen wiper, forward 404 - 406
K30 The Relay of intervals of a screen wiper, back 421 - 423, 452 - 454
K97 The Timer, the pump, фароомыватель 475, 479
K111 The Monitor, a cleaner of back glass 444 - 446
M2 The Electric motor, a cleaner of back glass 405 - 408
M5 The Electric motor, the pump, a washer of a windscreen 410
M8 The Electric motor, a cleaner of back glass 427 - 429, 459 - 461
M9 The Electric motor, the pump, a washer of back glass 425 and 447
M24 The Pump, фароомыватель 479
M37 The Electric motor, the central lock, a door of a back 463
M39 The Electric motor, adjustment of range of light, left 493 - 495
M40 The Electric motor, adjustment of range of light, right 493 - 495
S19 The Switch, a cleaner / a washer of back glass 441 - 449
S35 The Switch, a door of a back 438
S48 The Switch, a washer cleaner /
S48.1 The Switch, a cleaner of a windscreen 403, 407
S48.2 The Switch, a washer of a windscreen 408
S98 The Switch, adjustment of range of light 489 - 492
S19 The Switch, a cleaner / a washer of back glass 416 - 426
V16 The Diode, a cleaner of back glass 459
X1 The Impellent compartment-panel of devices 20-kont. 404 - 408 and 491 - 492
X2 The Impellent compartment-body 18-kont. 411
X3 The Impellent compartment-body 16-kont. 425 and 451
X17 The Impellent compartment-electric motor фароочистителя 2-kont. 479
X28 The Body-panel of devices 14-kont. 418, 421, 423, 428, 441, 444, 445, 453
X29 The Body-panel of devices 14-kont. 410
X30 The Body-panel of devices 12-kont. 438, 451
X41 The Body - block headlights 4-kont. 422, 427, 429
X45 The Body - a body back 2-kont. 445, 452, 454, 465
X46 The Body - a body back 20-kont. 441, 444, 453, 456
X49 The Panel of devices - the switch 9-kont. 488, 493
X87 Block headlights - back glass 4-kont. 422, 427, 429, 431
X92 The Body back-door a back 10-kont. 448, 449, 455, 459
X99 The Door of a back-electric motor of a cleaner of back glass 452, 456

Explanatories to electric chains with co-ordinates with 500 on 599

E11 Lamps, devices 502
E14 Illumination of an average part of salon 508 - 581
E16 An illumination Lamp прикуривателя 562
E29 Illumination of a back part of salon 596 - 597
E41 Illumination of salon with delay of deenergizing 573 - 577
F3D The Safety lock in the block of safety locks, a forward wall 541, 560
F7D The Safety lock in the block of safety locks, a forward wall 530
F13D The Safety lock in the block of safety locks, a forward wall 541, 560
F35 The Voltage stabilizer 504
H1 Radio 540, 551
H3 The Control lamp of a signal of turn left 505
H3A The Control lamp of a signal of turn right 506
H4 The Control lamp of pressure of oil 523
H5 The Control lamp of level of a brake liquid in a tank 529
H6 The Control lamp of the alarm system 508
H7 The Control lamp of a charge of the storage battery 521
H8 The Control lamp of a headlight 501
H15 The Control lamp of a reserve of fuel 508
H16 The Control lamp of time of heating (the diesel engine) 515
H17 The Control lamp of a signal of turn of the trailer 504
H19 The Emergency buzzer, headlights it is included 587 - 588
H30 The Control lamp of the engine 517
H37 The Loudspeaker forward left 545, 546
H38 The Loudspeaker forward right 550, 551
H39 The Loudspeaker back left 545, 546
H40 The Loudspeaker back right 550, 551
H45 The Control lamp of a full drive 527
P1 The Index of fuel 511
P2 The Index of temperature of a cooling liquid 513
P4 The Gauge of a fuel tank 511
P5 The Gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid 513
P7 The Tachometer 517
P8 The Measuring instrument of pressure of oil 524
P9 The Voltmeter 522
P10 The Gauge of pressure of oil 525
R3 Prikurivatel 560
S13 The Switch, a lay brake 533
S14 The Gauge of pressure of oil 523
S16 The Switch, a door of the driver or a forward right door 578
S17 The Switch, a door of the forward passenger or a forward left door 576
S26 The Vacuum switch 529
S31 The Switch, a door back left 588
S32 The Switch, a door back right 590
S36 The Switch, a door of a back 597
S39 The Switch, a full drive 527
S88 The Switch, a brake liquid 531
V17 Diodes, an alarm signal, headlights are included 583
X1 The Impellent compartment-panel of devices 20-kont. 501 - 529
X2 The Impellent compartment-body 18-kont. 533
X6 The Impellent compartment-transmission 4-kont. 527
X7 Impellent a has cut-brake liquid 3-kont. 530 - 532
X28 The Body-panel of devices 14-kont. 545, 546, 550, 551
X29 The Body-panel of devices 14-kont. 541, 560, 511, 530
X37 The Body-internal illumination 4-kont. 574 - 576
X40 The Body-chassis 10-kont. 511
X45 The Body-body back 20-kont. 584, 588, 591, 549, 552, 595, 596, 509
X46 The Body-body back 20-kont. 586, 593, 544, 547, 534
X47 The Panel of devices - the device 9-kont. 511 - 529
X48 The Panel of devices - the device 12-kont. 501 - 525
X89 The Body back-chassis 3-kont. 509
X92 The Body back - a back door 10-kont. 597
X95 The Body back-luggage carrier 4-kont. 596, 597
X100 The Panel of devices-radio 16-kont. 540 - 551

Explanatories to electric chains with co-ordinates with 600 on 699

E19 Warmed back glass 647
E25 The Warmed pillow of a forward left seat 658
E30 The Warmed pillow of a forward right seat 642
E32 The Lamp of hours
E33 The Lamp of an ashtray 628
E34 The Lamp of a control lever heating 630
F4D The Safety lock in the block of safety locks, a forward wall 647
F4E The Safety lock in the block of safety locks, an impellent compartment 674
F7E The Safety lock in the block of safety locks, an impellent compartment 606
F8D The Safety lock in the block of safety locks, a forward wall 658
H18 The Sound signal left 674, 675
H48 The Sound signal right 677, 678
K1 The Relay of inclusion of heating of back glass 646 - 647
K92 The Relay of inclusion of the fan of a heater 605 - 606
M3 The Electric motor of the fan of a heater 606
P3 Hours 633, 635
R10 The Resistor of the fan of a heater 611 - 615
R13 A washer Nozzle warmed left 668
R14 A washer Nozzle warmed right 671
S4 The Switch of warmed back glass 639 - 641
S46 Group of inclusion of a warmed pillow of a seat
S46.1 The Switch of a warmed pillow of a seat of a lobby left 658
S46.2 The Switch of a warmed pillow of a seat of a lobby right 662
S64 The Switch of a sound signal 680
S142 The Switch of the fan of a heater 611 - 617
X2 The Impellent compartment-body 18-kont. 674
X3 The Impellent compartment-body 16-kont. 606, 621 - 623
X8 The Impellent compartment-nozzle of a washer 2-kont. 668
X30 The Body-panel of devices 12-kont. 611 - 615, 617, 619
X32 A signal Body-switch 13-kont. 680
X38 The Body-warmed a pillow 3-kont. 658, 663
X55 The Warmed nozzle of a washer 2-kont. 671
X56 The Warmed nozzle of a washer 2-kont. 668
X80 The Warmed pillow of a forward seat left 2-kont. 658
X81 The Warmed pillow of a forward seat right 2-kont. 662
X85 Block headlights - back glass 2-kont. 647
X91 The Body back - a door of a back 688, 690, 694, 696, 695
X95 The Body back-luggage carrier 4-kont. 652
X98 Block headlights - the trailer socket 6-kont. 689, 691, 693, 695, 697, 699
X98 The Door of a back-socket of the trailer 6-kont.
X101 The trailer Socket 7-kont. 687, 689, 691, 693, 695, 697, 699

Explanatories to schemes of cable plaits - 2-dvernyj the car

Weight points

1 wing, inside at the left
2 holder of the storage battery
3 longitudinal beam, at the left
4 inlet pipeline, ahead
5 inlet pipeline, behind
8 generator
9 arm of the generator
10 longitudinal beam, on the right
11 engine
12 panel of devices, sideways on the right
14 cross-beam, behind
15 panel of devices, sideways at the left
16 panel of devices, sideways below on the right

Cable bunches

1 impellent compartment
3 washers warmed a nozzle
4 transmission
5 accessories of the engine
6 panel of devices
7 body
8 block headlights
9 door of the driver
10 door of the forward passenger
11 lantern of illumination of licence plate
13 internal illumination
14 heating of seats
15 console
16 chassis
18 socket of the trailer
20 warmed back glass


K35 A timer, an exterior mirror the warmed
K37 A monitor, the central lock
K49 A monitor, стеклоподъемник
K61 A monitor, injection system
K97 The relay glass - and фароомывателя
K111 A monitor, a cleaner of back glass

Explanatories to schemes of cable distributings - 4-dvernyj the car

Weight points

1 wing, inside at the left
2 holder of the storage battery
3 longitudinal beam, at the left
6 inlet pipeline, behind (the engine 2.4)
7 inlet pipeline, behind (the engine 2.4)
8 generator
9 arm of the generator
10 longitudinal beam, on the right
11 engine
12 panel of devices, sideways on the right
14 cross-beam, behind
15 panel of devices, sideways at the left
16 panel of devices, sideways below on the right

Cable plaits

1 impellent compartment
2 candles накаливания (only the diesel engine)
3 washers warmed a nozzle
4 transmission
5 accessories of the engine
6 panel of devices
7 body
8 body, behind
9 door of the driver
10 door of the forward passenger
11 door the back left
12 door the back right
13 internal illumination
14 heating of seats
15 console
16 chassis
17 door of a back
18 socket of the trailer
20 warmed back glass

Devices - as at the 2-door car