Opel Frontera

Since 1992 of release

Repair and car operation

Opel of Frontera
+ Cars of mark Opel Frontera
+ Current leaving and service
- The engine
   Removal and engine OHC installation
   Removal and engine DOHC installation
   Engine dismantling
   Engine assemblage
   Head of cylinders and valves
   Pistons and rods
   The block of cylinders
   Cranked shaft and bearings of a cranked shaft
   Camshaft drive
   Engine mounts
   Compression check
   Greasing system
   Works with system of greasing of engine OHC/DOHC of 2.0 l
   Works with greasing system on the engine of 2.4 l
   The oil filter
   Oil radiator (if it is established)
   Pressure and oil temperature
+ Cooling and heating systems
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Kardannye shaft, the main transfer
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Controls and operation
+ Electric equipment schemes


Engine dismantling


Kind of the engine of 2.0 l from outside всасывания

Kind of the engine of 2.4 l (With 24 NE). The engine has a chain drive of a camshaft

Before the beginning of works it is necessary to clear all external surfaces of the engine carefully. All apertures on the engine should be preliminary closed a pure rag to exclude hit in a dirt or other extraneous particles
Dismantling of separate knots of the engine is described in detail further in subsections under heading "Repair".
Here the works spent on the engine, established on the car, or on the removed engine are described. If it is necessary to spend full dismantling it is necessary to combine among themselves separate operations in the specified sequence.
In the description means that the block of cylinders is replaced, though it is not always obligatory. References to sections where work is described in more details are constantly given.
Before dismantling it is necessary to mark all moving and sliding parts that they could be established in former position if they are repeatedly applied. It, in particular, concerns pistons, valves, covers and loose leaves of bearings. Engine parts should be stored so that they did not need to be transferred the friend through the friend.
It is not necessary to mark surfaces of bearings or sealing surfaces any sharp subjects of type чертилки or shock way. It is necessary to put marks by a paint. Valves is better store, having pierced them the cardboard box turned upside down. Thus near to the valve its number is written. If the engine has многоклапанное distribution of each cylinder the valves belonging to one cylinder, it is necessary to separate from other valves.
Details from aluminium alloys demand the corresponding reference. If for their dismantling drawing of blows by a hammer the hammer should be rubber or leather is required. If there is no necessary stand it is necessary to use corresponding wooden supports. Supports should be such that access to the top and bottom parts of the engine was provided. If the assembly stand the final collector is disconnected from the engine is applied, and the engine is fixed by bolts to the stand.
The head of cylinders after its removal from the engine can be fixed in a vice by a metal collar, привернутым to hairpins of the inlet pipeline.
Full dismantling of the engine is not described, as it is made only in rare instances. The description of removal of separate knots of the engine is resulted in corresponding sections. The head of cylinders can be removed without engine removal.
The gear belt of a drive of the mechanism of distribution and, accordingly, chain can be replaced without engine removal.

Without engine removal following works can be performed:


  – Replacement of a back epiploon of a cranked shaft.
  – Replacement of a forward epiploon of a cranked shaft (in the case of the oil pump).
  – Epiploon replacement in the camshaft case from outside transmissions.
  – Epiploon replacement in the camshaft case from outside a drive of the mechanism of distribution.
– Removal and installation of a camshaft, the camshaft case, коромысел and the jack of backlashes of valves.
– Removal and installation of a head of cylinders.
– Removal and pallet installation картера.
– Removal and installation of the oil pump.
– Removal and installation of shatunno-piston group.
– Removal and flywheel installation.


– Replacement of linings of the inlet pipeline and a final collector.
– Replacement of a back epiploon of a cranked shaft.
– Replacement of a lining of the pallet картера.
– Lining replacement in a forward part of a cranked shaft (картер the distribution mechanism).
– Removal and flywheel installation.
– Removal and installation of a camshaft and camshaft bearings.
– Removal and installation of fingers коромысел.
– Removal and installation маслоотражательных caps of valves.
– Removal and installation of a head of cylinders.


– Replacement of details of the mechanism of distribution (клинового a belt, a tension roller), cogwheels of a camshaft, epiploons of a camshaft, the gear belt, a directing roller of a gear belt.
– Removal and installation of a head of cylinders.
– Removal and flywheel installation.

Here large enough works are specified only. Besides, is available much more a jobbing which can be spent without engine removal.

The engine should be removed for carrying out of procedures:

– Removals and installations of a cranked shaft or replacement of bearings of a cranked shaft (new packing of a cranked shaft is made).
– Replacements of a back epiploon of a cranked shaft (depending on engine type).