Opel FronteraSince 1992 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Opel of Frontera + Cars of mark Opel Frontera + Current leaving and service + The engine + Cooling and heating systems + The power supply system and release + Engine electric equipment + Coupling + Manual box of a gear change + Kardannye shaft, the main transfer + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment - Controls and operation Control panel Locks, anticreeping adaptations and the body equipment Knots and systems of safety of the driver and passengers Management switches lighting and alarm devices Management of functioning of screen wipers/washers Adjustment of position of rear-view mirrors, door glasses and the top hatch Management of giving of an air stream of heating and salon ventilation Driving Refuelling of the car by fuel + Electric equipment schemes |
For inclusion of 5th transfer it is necessary to take away the lever to the right, overcoming resistance, then its tax forward. Reverse gear inclusion is made only at motionlessly standing car and in any way earlier than in three seconds after squeezing of a pedal of coupling.
SWITCHING OF MODES OF THE DISTRIBUTING BOX By means of a control lever a distributing box the driver has choice possibility between usual and all-wheel drive movement modes.
The distributing box has no neutral position, therefore the lever of its management should be always reliably established in one of possible three positions ("2H", 4Н or "4L"). The mode "2Н" is intended for car movement on a normal road covering, provides the maximum economy of the expense of fuel and the minimum noise background. At inclusion of the given mode it is necessary to disconnect manual blocking of naves of forward wheels (models with manual blocking of naves - see more low). The mode "4Н" provides optimum conditions for movement on a damp or ice-covered road covering. Do not forget to include manual blocking of naves of forward wheels. Speed of movement of the car should not exceed 100 km/h (60 miles/ch). The mode "4L" provides the maximum capacity of return of the engine and is intended for use at movement of the car in the conditions of a mountain relief, on impassability, sand, a dirt or deep snow. Manual blocking of naves of forward wheels should be included. Speed of movement of the car should not exceed 40 km/h (25 miles/ch). Switching of a control lever of a distributing box does not demand squeezing of a pedal of coupling. Switching from a mode "2Н" in a mode "4Н" is on the move possible only in a case when manual blocking of naves of forward wheels is already included (models with manual blocking of naves). The prevention ![]() Switching of a box from a mode "4Н" in a mode "2Н" can be made at any speeds of movement of the car, thus there is no necessity for squeezing of a pedal of coupling. The prevention ![]() Models with automatic blocking of naves of forward wheels
When the distributing box is included in a mode "4H" or "4L", switching-off of blocking of naves occurs instantly to its return inclusion at change of a direction of movement. Models with manual blocking of naves
For blocking switching-off муфты it is necessary to turn counter-clockwise and to result in position "FREE" (see in the same place). FEATURES OF DRIVING OF ALL-WHEEL DRIVE CARS Movement on a line in a cold season The raised coupling with a road covering of all-wheel drive models provides to the car the best controllability at movement in heavy road conditions, in particular at deep snow and a strong icing. Nevertheless, the full drive at all does not provide противоюзовую protection. Moreover, frequently the conclusion from drift of the rear-wheel or front-wheel car is made easier than in case of models "4WD". In view of the aforesaid, it is not necessary to abuse inclusion of all-wheel drive modes at movement on superficial snow or an ice crust. – Depending on concrete conditions switch a distributing box in a mode "4L" or "2H"; – Start the engine, include the lowest transfer and start to move with is minimum possible turns, manipulating gas and coupling pedals; – Try not to suppose strong proslipping of coupling; – Try to translate as soon as possible transmission on the higher transfer and watch that engine turns excessively did not rise. Movement on impassability When deterioration of a road covering gives the grounds for inclusion of an all-wheel drive mode, try to observe following basic requirements: – Move slowly enough, on the lowest transfers, in view of road and weather conditions; – For driving try to use a gas pedal, having reduced to a minimum using brakes; – Try not to suppose proslipping of coupling and проворачивания wheels; – Avoid sharp turns of a wheel. Try to take into consideration all weather and road factors - be guided by common sense and try to estimate car possibilities soberly. Before to go to a long trip, beforehand develop a movement route. Before departure check up a technical condition of the car. OVERCOMING OF WATER BARRIERS Try not to call in in deep water. Before to start a crossing, study a ground relief of a barrier, choose the most flat entrance to water. Switch a distributing box in position "4L" and include the first transfer. Try not to suppose jumps of turns of the engine in order to avoid water hit in release system if the exhaust pipe cut is below a surface. Move with a speed no more than 5 km/h (3 miles/ch) and try not to create many splashes. Try not to move against the current. If such possibility is absent, try to develop the car under such corner to a current vector that running water was not filled in in an impellent compartment. Avoid hit of splashes in an impellent compartment in avoidance останова the engine owing to humidifying of components of system of ignition. Watch, that water has not got to an engine air inlet as it can lead to jamming of the last and necessity of carrying out of expensive repair. After successful overcoming of a water barrier check up serviceability of functioning of brakes. For acceleration of drying of working surfaces of brake mechanisms, some times brake the car, moving on low speed. Whether as soon as possible check up water has got to filtering element of an air cleaner, in the engine, transmission, картеры bridges and car salon. Replace all greasing liquids which have got молочнообразную a consistence, being the hit certificate in water oil. SAFETY MEASURES AT MOVEMENT IN ALL-WHEEL DRIVE MODES At movement in modes "4WD" it is necessary to observe some special safety measures. In order to avoid failure of components трансмиссионной a line and risk of loss of management avoid car use in all-wheel drive modes with the blocked naves of forward wheels at movement on a dry firm road covering (asphalt). On models with automatic blocking of naves of forward wheels it is not provided what alarm system informing the driver about inclusion of blocking, therefore in the absence of confidence of a condition блокираторов (for example, at change of the driver) just in case it is necessary to make procedure of switching-off of blocking. Do not forget that the centre of gravity of off-road cars usually is highly enough over the earth that should be considered at a choice of a manner of driving - do not try to make turns with the same high speed as do it on usual cars. The strong lateral wind also can make appreciable impact on controllability of the car. Try to reduce speed of movement during especially strong squalls. |