Opel Frontera

Since 1992 of release

Repair and car operation

Opel of Frontera
+ Cars of mark Opel Frontera
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Cooling and heating systems
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Kardannye shaft, the main transfer
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
- Controls and operation
   Control panel
   Locks, anticreeping adaptations and the body equipment
   Knots and systems of safety of the driver and passengers
   Management switches lighting and alarm devices
   Management of functioning of screen wipers/washers
   Adjustment of position of rear-view mirrors, door glasses and the top hatch
   Management of giving of an air stream of heating and salon ventilation
   Refuelling of the car by fuel
+ Electric equipment schemes


Knots and systems of safety of the driver and passengers



The number of components of system includes seat belts fixed in three points, and also pillows of safety of the driver and the passenger (if it is provided).
Thus, depending on failure of an overload defined by gravity the system works in two stages. At the first stage there is a blocking of seat belts that guarantees fixing of the driver and passengers on the seats. Further, at a considerable face-to-face overload the system of pillows of safety (if that is provided) works, providing additional protection of the driver and the forward passenger.

The prevention

Remember that presence in the car of pillows of safety does not release the driver and the forward passenger from necessity to be fastened during movement by belts!


Seats of cars Opel Frontera are equipped by the seat belts fixed in three points providing sufficient freedom of moving of the driver and passengers at movement of the car with constant speed. Thus the returnable device of inertial type constantly supports belts in the tense condition, choosing all superfluous weak point.
At the same time inertial the returnable device provides reliable blocking of a belt at sharp braking or face-to-face front blow.

1. For clothing accurately extend a belt from the returnable device and, trying not to overwind, throw it through a shoulder.
2. Insert metal скобу the lock into a buckle before click. Thus the seat back not should be too strongly is inclined back. The zone site of a belt thus also without перекручивания should adjoin to a body densely.
3. For reliable обжимания bodies some times sharply pull a diagonal site of a belt.
4. The volume clothes disturb correct облеганию a trunk belt. The belt should not be imposed over firm subjects being in pockets, such as pens, keys, points, etc. in order to avoid trauma reception. Also do not palm off under a belt of the beautician and ladies' handbags.
5. For belt removal press the red button the button to a buckle. Taking - up of a belt after buckle clearing occurs automatically.

Adjustment of height of position of the top anchor of a seat belt

Adjustment should not be made during movement.

1. Slightly extend a belt from the returnable device.
2. Incline top directing a belt upwards.
3. Make adjustment of height of position of an anchor.
4. Liberate directing a belt and check up reliability of fixing анкерного knot.

The belt should nestle densely on a shoulder, without touching area of a neck and without limiting freedom of action of a hand.


Lateral seats of a back seat are equipped by the seat belts fixed in three points with the automatic returnable device of inertial type.

5-door models

In 5-door models possibility of adjustment of height of position top анкерного knot of lateral seat belts of a back seat is provided.

Safety of the passenger sitting on the centre is provided with a zone belt of static type. The scheme of an arrangement of belts is shown on an illustration.


Buckles and locks of seat belts lateral () on the design differ from buckles of a zone belt ().

1. Throw a zone belt as it is possible more low through hips.
2. Make sure that the belt is not overwound and clasp its buckle. The belt should nestle densely on hips - under it should climb through a hand palm hardly.
By transportation pregnant women the zone belt should take places as it is possible more low in тазовой for trunk area that there was no pressed a stomach.
3. For adjustment of length of a zone belt press the top part of a plate of the lock and pull for the free end of a belt.
4. For отпускания a zone belt press the red button on its buckle.
When the belt is not used, hold it in the clasped position.


In the centre of a steering wheel equipped inscription AIRBAG is available a driver's pillow of safety of the car.

In the presence of a pillow of safety of the forward passenger the similar inscription is put on panels of devices over a ware box.

Into system structure enter placed in a steering wheel and the panel of devices of the car of a pillow with the cylinders filled with gas, the electronic block of management with the gauge of blow and a control lamp on an instrument guard

Инициация pillows occurs at strong front blow of the car which vector is in sector 30 from an axial line. If the car hits about a rigid obstacle operation of pillows occurs even at insignificant speed of movement. For operation of pillows after collision with an obstacle giving in to deformation (for example other car) speed of movement of the car should be enough high.

The remark

In view of the aforesaid, the criteria defining operation of system of pillows of safety, the direction and character of blow, and also rigidity of a design of the car and an obstacle with which it are faces, and at all not received by a vehicle as a result of failure a damage.

At инициации systems the pillow of safety during milliseconds is filled with gas, providing with that additional protection of the driver and the forward passenger at the expense of restriction of freedom of their moving in a longitudinal direction.
The system provides a protection maximum level only at correct adjustment of position of backs and headrests of forward seats of the car. At correct landing the driver should hold a steering wheel hands slightly bent in elbows. The passenger seat should be shifted as it is possible further back at vertically established back. Do not put a head, hands and feet on covers of pillows of safety.

The prevention

Remember that presence in the car of pillows of safety does not release the driver and the forward passenger from necessity to be fastened during movement by belts!

Инициация systems of pillows of safety do not occur in cases, when:
a) ignition Is switched off;
b) Force of front blow is insignificant;
c) the Car at failure turns over;
d) Blow occurs not in a front direction.

Malfunctions of system of pillows of safety are traced by the built in system of self-diagnostics. On a condition of system of the driver informs control lamps on an instrument guard of the car (see above).

The prevention

In order to avoid reception of traumas do not place in space which fills, being inflated, a safety pillow any extraneous subjects.

At service located on affinity with a pillow of safety of components observe extra care - casual инициация pillows at the inaccurate reference can lead to reception of serious traumas.

Removal of a steering wheel and the panel of devices of the models equipped with pillows of safety should be made only by representatives of dealer branch or company Opel service-centre.

The safety pillow is intended only for unitary operation after which is subject to replacement.

Do not put any extraneous subjects on a steering wheel and the panel of devices. For rubbing of surfaces use only the dry or well wrung out damp rags. Do not apply any solvents.

Recycling of the car equipped with pillows of safety or actually knots of pillows should be made only through dealer branch of company Opel.

The prevention

It is forbidden to establish on a forward seat of the cars equipped with a pillow of safety, developed by the person back a children's seat. The label with the corresponding prevention usually fastens to the panel of devices from outside doors.


Into the complete set enter the Children's seat for transportation of babies, a seat for transportation of children of younger age and an additional pillow for transportation of children of preteenage age (are issued also in an individual order).
Covers from seats for transportation of babies easily act in film for the purpose of washing.
Children's seats fasten to the basic seat of the car by means of standard seat belts with fixture in three points.
At damage of a seat during failure it is subject to replacement. Instructions applied in the complete set see also.


The present seats are intended for transportation of children aged till 10 months and weight to 10 kg.

The prevention

It is forbidden to establish on a forward seat of the cars equipped with a pillow of safety, developed by the person back a children's seat!
Lay the child in a seat.

1. Connect together locks of two humeral seat belts of a children's seat and fill them in a buckle located between feet of the child.
The length and height of fastening of seat belts of a children's seat can is adjusted to anthropological characteristics of the concrete child.
2. For adjustment of length of belts tighten the free end of the bottom section of a belt behind a seat, or on the contrary, release it, having wrung out a metal clip блокиратора.

The belt should nestle densely on a body of the child, without being during too time will pull excessively hardly.
3. For adjustment of height of position extend from the adjusting grooves both humeral belts and pass them in other grooves located at the demanded height.
4. Press downwards a portable handle of a children's seat for отпускания the lock then pull a handle upwards and fix in the lifted position.
5. Establish a children's seat on the basic passenger seat of the car the person against a movement course.

The prevention

Last instructions are inapplicable at installation of a children's seat on a forward seat equipped with a pillow of safety of the car (see above)!

6. Translate the top anchor of a seat belt of the basic seat in extreme bottom position.
7. Extend a belt of the basic safety from the returnable device and pass a loop of its zone site under two directing ledges on a children's seat.
8. Clasp a seat belt buckle.
9. Open a clip from the back party of a children's seat.
10. Throw a diagonal part of a seat belt through a back of a children's seat, having enclosed it in an open clip.
11. Close a clip.
12. Press downwards a portable handle of a children's seat for отпускания its lock.
13. Lower the handle downwards, having translated it in transport position.


Company Opel lets out as the adjustable seat, capable to be reconstructed under various weight loadings (see иллюстр. 3.13), and separately pillows for landing of children preteenage and early teenage age.

The seat of adjustable type in gathering (a pillow with a back) is intended for transportation of children of younger age in weight from 10 to 25 kg.
After branch of a back the seat pillow can be used for transportation of children of preteenage age in weight from 18 to 36 kg.

1. At use for transportation of children of the first weight category (10-25 kg) establish a seat in gathering with a back on a forward or lateral back seat of the car, the person in the direction of travel.
2. Densely press a children's seat a back to a back of the basic seat.

The prevention

At installation of a children's seat on a forward seat of the car equipped with a pillow of safety of the forward passenger, shift the basic seat in extreme back position!

3. Plant the child in a children's seat.
4. Lower the top anchor of a seat belt of the basic seat in extreme bottom position.
5. Fill скобу the seat belt lock in a buckle.
6. As is shown in an illustration, pass a zone part of a belt in directing captures on a children's seat.
7. Open the valve on an external top regulator of a children's seat and pass in a regulator a diagonal part of a seat belt, a post of that again close the valve.
8. Ослабьте a bolt with a plastic head / take a fixing finger and properly adjust belt position, having lifted it in a clip upwards, or on the contrary, having lowered downwards.
9. Again tighten a bolt / insert into place a finger.


The seat belt should pass through a shoulder of the child, without concerning area of a neck and without limiting freedom of moving of hands.
10. For transportation of children of the second weight category (18-36 kg) disconnect from a seat a back, for what by means of a screw-driver ослабьте external screws of its fastening to a pillow.
11. Operating from within, take шпилечные bolts from a pillow.
12. Separate a back from a seat pillow.
13. Combine all unnecessary components in a reliable place.
14. Establish a pillow on the basic seat of the car, the person in the direction of travel.

The prevention

At installation of a children's seat on a forward seat of the car equipped with a pillow of safety of the forward passenger, shift the basic seat in extreme back position!

15. Plant the child in a children's seat.
16. Lower the top anchor of a seat belt of the basic seat in extreme bottom position.
17. Fill скобу the seat belt lock in a buckle.
18. As is shown in an illustration, pass a zone part of a belt in directing captures on a children's seat.


The seat belt should pass through a shoulder of the child, without concerning area of a neck and without limiting freedom of moving of hands.


Headrests also concern very important elements of safety of the driver and passengers of the car.

The headrest upper edge should occupy position level with top of the driver / of the passenger.

At landing of the tall person it is necessary to translate a headrest in extreme top position.

The prevention

In no event the situation when the headrest upper edge appears at neck level is inadmissible!

1. For adjustment of position of a headrest simply lift it upwards, or lower downwards, then properly establish an inclination.
2. Having achieved demanded position of a headrest, fix it.

Headrest removal

1. For headrest removal release both spring clips.


Rotary rear-view mirrors

The internal rear-view mirror acts in film from the support.

Door mirrors at direct blow can develop forward or back that guarantees protection of passengers and pedestrians.

Fastening of door rear-view mirrors is carried out by means of spring clamps.

1. For adjustment of position of a mirror simply develop in appropriate way to защелкивания in following position.


At movement on impassability door rear-view mirrors are recommended to be turned back, having pressed them to glasses of doors.

Soft upholstery

The upholstery of the panel of devices is made of an elastic material absorbing blows. Handles, armrests and other elements of furnish are made of a sound-proof material.

Sun-protection peaks

Sun-protection peaks are equipped by soft overlays and can turn both upwards-downwards, and sideways, providing adequate protection of eyes of the driver and the forward passenger against hit of direct solar beams.

Блокираторы doors against opening by their children

Back doors of the car are equipped special блокираторами, guaranteeing impossibility of their opening during car movement (see above).

Safety steering column

The collapsible design of a steering column provides softening of blow of the driver about a steering wheel with a breast during failure.


Adjustment of an inclination of a steering column

Some models are equipped by a steering column with possibility of updating of height of position.
Carry out adjustment only on motionlessly standing car.

1. Wring out releasing lever блокиратора in a direction of the panel of devices, modify in appropriate way column position, having arranged it under a convenient corner.
2. Having achieved desirable result, release the lever.
3. Firmly press the lever downwards and make sure of reliability of blocking of a column in new position.

Adjustment of position of forward seats

1. Pull the handle and shift a seat in desirable position.
2. For seat blocking in new position release the handle.

Adjustment of height of a seat is carried out by means of rotating to the handle (see in the same place).
At all do not make adjustment of position of a driver's seat during movement.

Adjustment of an inclination of a back of forward seats

The regulator of updating of an inclination of a back is in the basis of a back from seat lateral aspect.

Moving of a forward passenger seat forward (3-door models)

For пропускания the back passenger in 3-door models moving possibility forward a forward passenger seat is provided.

1. Pull upwards the handle блокиратора from back lateral aspect.
2. Combine a seat back forward, then shift forward a seat.
3. For seat returning in a starting position simply shift it back.
Seat blocking occurs at return to vertical position of its back.


Lock positions

The lock serves for inclusion / of deenergizing of ignition (petrol models), инициации a starter (petrol and diesel models) and blocking of a steering column (petrol and diesel models).

On an accompanying illustration lock substantive provisions are shown:
"LOCK" = the Steering column is blocked, onboard power supplies are disconnected
"OFF" = the Steering column is unblocked, onboard power supplies are disconnected
"АСС" = Ignition is switched off, but there is an using possibility a certain electric equipment
"ON" = Petrol models: ignition is included; diesel models: the preheat mode (see more low) is included
"START" = a food on the starter electromotor Is submitted

The remark

The information on functioning electronic иммобилизатора the engine is resulted above in the Section devoted to systems of safety.

1. For an unblocking of a steering column slightly pull a steering wheel to the right-to the left and turn the ignition key in position "OFF".
2. Wheel blocking is made extraction of a key from the lock in position "LOCK" then it is necessary to pull a steering wheel before operation блокиратора.


The petrol engine

1. Establish transmission on neutral transfer and squeeze out a coupling pedal.
2. Not подгазовывайте.
3. Turn the ignition key in position "START".
Turns of the raised idling automatically will fall to normal after warming up of the engine to normal working temperature.

Diesel engine

1. Translate transmission in neutral position, squeeze out a coupling pedal.
2. Do not increase speed.
3. Turn a key in position "ON".
4. After switching-off of a control lamp of a mode of preheat turn a key in position "START".
As soon as there will be a start, system of electronic control by diesel engine work will start to support stability of its turns - necessity for increase of turns at the expense of an acceleration is absent, if there is no intention to get under way from a place.

At diesel engine start (at temperatures more low 0�С) after 10-second unsuccessful проворачивания the engine it is necessary to include a preheat mode in cold weather repeatedly. Continue attempts of start before their successful end then do not release at once a key before definitive stabilisation of turns.