Opel Frontera

Since 1992 of release

Repair and car operation

Opel of Frontera
+ Cars of mark Opel Frontera
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Cooling and heating systems
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Kardannye shaft, the main transfer
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
- Controls and operation
   Control panel
   Locks, anticreeping adaptations and the body equipment
   Knots and systems of safety of the driver and passengers
   Management switches lighting and alarm devices
   Management of functioning of screen wipers/washers
   Adjustment of position of rear-view mirrors, door glasses and the top hatch
   Management of giving of an air stream of heating and salon ventilation
   Refuelling of the car by fuel
+ Electric equipment schemes


Management of giving of an air stream of heating and salon ventilation



The demanded temperature of air in car salon is reached for very short time by mixing of cold and hot air streams. Engine turns practically do not influence efficiency of functioning of system.
Parametres of an air stream are defined by speed of movement of the car and a choice of a high-speed mode of rotation of the fan of a heater. Necessity for fan inclusion arises only at low speeds of movement.
The fence of external air in salon is carried out through an air inlet located directly ahead of a windscreen of the car - watch that the air inlet lattice not замусоривалась and was not hammered by snow.


The choice of a source of air submitted to salon is carried out by moving of a control lever by an air inlet (right top) on the control panel.

Lever transfer in position (2) switches заслонку an air inlet on всасывание in salon through system of ventilation of external air. While translating the lever position (1) joins the closed mode of air circulation supported at the expense of rotation крыльчатки of the fan of a heater - long stay of system in a mode of the closed circulation can lead запотеванию glasses, therefore whenever possible it is necessary to slightly open a window more likely, having opened access of external air.


Intensity of giving of air in ventilation system can be raised at the expense of inclusion of the 4-speed fan of a heater.

Inclusion and choice of a high-speed mode of the fan is carried out by moving of the right bottom lever on the control panel.

At lever installation in position OFF the fan is disconnected. Position 1 corresponds низкоскоростному to a mode of rotation of the fan; position 2 is intermediate between modes of low and average speeds of rotation; position 3 corresponds to an average mode between medium-rate and high-speed; and at last, lever transfer in position 4 switches the fan in a high-speed mode.
The remark

Fan functioning probably only at the working engine.


Management in temperature of air submitted to salon is reached by change of position of the left bottom lever of the control panel.

Moving of the lever towards an inscription of "NOTES" (Hotly) leads to air rise in temperature, aside "COLD" - to decrease.


The choice of a direction of giving of an air stream in various sites of salon is carried out by means of the left top lever on the control panel.

At lever installation in position (5) air moves on having blown in a windscreen; the choice of position (4) carries out air giving simultaneously on having blown in glasses in foot wells; while translating the lever in position (3) air starts to move only in foot wells; position (2) corresponds to a mode of giving of air both in the top part of salon, and in foot wells; at a choice of position (1) air moves only in the top part of salon.


Arrangement of components and controls auxiliary systems of the panel of devices / the bottom console

1 - Lateral nozzles of ventilation / of heating of salon
- Nozzles обдува door glasses
3 - the Switch of head headlights
4 - the Switch of forward antifog headlights (if are provided)
5 - the Switch of back antifog headlights
6 - the Rod switch of indexes of turns, blinkings head headlights, switchings of a near / headlight of head headlights
7 - Buttons of inclusion of a sound signal
8 - the Pillow of safety of a driver's place (if it is provided)
9 - the Rod switch of cleaners / of washers of a windscreen, washers of lenses of head headlights (if are provided) and a washer of back glass (if it is provided)
10 - Hours
11 - the Switch of a heater of back glass
- the alarm system Switch
13 - Zaglushka
14 - the Radio receiver (if it is provided)
15 - the Central nozzles of ventilation / of heating of salon
16 - the Pillow of safety of a passenger place (if it is provided)
- the Ware box of the panel of devices
18 - the Control panel systems of heating/ventilation of salon
19 - the Ashtray
20 - Switches of heating of forward seats (if it is provided)
21 - electric drive Switches стеклоподъемников (if it is provided)
22 - Prikurivatel
23 - the Lock of ignition / of blocking of a steering column
24 - the Nozzle of ventilation / of heating of salon of knee level
25 - the Handle отпускания the cowl lock
26 - Updating of position of head block headlights depending on degree of loading of the car
27 - the Assembly block of safety locks

The central ventilating nozzles

The given nozzles are located in the central part of the panel of devices of the car directly over the control panel of systems of heating / of ventilation (15 on an illustration the Arrangement of components and controls auxiliary systems of the panel of devices / the bottom console) and serve for giving in the top part of salon cold, or the warmed-up air, depending on a choice of a temperature mode.
Intensity of giving of air can be increased at the expense of inclusion of the fan of a heater.
By change of position of jalousie of lattices snuffled a stream direction it can be corrected depending on desire of the driver or the forward passenger.

Lateral ventilating nozzles

At will of the driver or the forward passenger a stream of air from the devices located along the edges of the panel snuffled (1 on an illustration the Arrangement of components and controls auxiliary systems of the panel of devices / the bottom console) can be directed both to the central part of salon, and on having blown in door glasses and panels for creation along them in layers of warm air in a cold season.
For change of a direction of a stream it is necessary to turn jalousie of a lattice of a nozzle in appropriate way.

Nozzles обдува door windows

The given nozzles are located also on each side panels of devices, but above the lateral ventilating snuffled (2 on an illustration the Arrangement of components and controls auxiliary systems of the panel of devices / the bottom console) and provide additional having blown in glasses of forward doors of the car, mainly around placing of rear-view mirrors.

Nozzle of ventilation of salon of knee level

The nozzle is intended for обдува knees of the driver and located in the bottom part of the panel of devices under a steering wheel (24 on an illustration the Arrangement of components and controls auxiliary systems of the panel of devices / the bottom console).
Possibility of adjustment of a direction of a stream of air from the present nozzle in a vertical plane at the expense of turn of jalousie of a lattice is provided.
Intensity of a stream can be increased at the expense of inclusion of the fan of a heater.

Nozzles of giving of air in foot wells

Nozzles are located in the basis of assemblage of a heater. Intensity of a stream can be increased at the expense of fan inclusion.


Inclusion of a mode of ventilation of salon

1. Establish the lever of a choice of a temperature mode in position "COLD", and a control lever an air inlet in position (2).
2. Include the heater fan.
3. By means of a control lever воздухораспределителем choose a necessary direction of giving of air in salon (1), (2) or (3).

Choice of a mode of heating of salon

Intensity of giving of air is defined by a choice of speed of rotation of the fan (the bottom right lever on the control panel).
The demanded temperature mode is set by the left bottom lever on the control panel.
Comfortableness of a climate in salon is appreciably defined by a choice of a direction of giving of warm air.

Optimum for state of health of the person it is considered a mode "feet in heat, a head in a cold" which is reached by control lever installation воздухораспределителем in position (1) or (2) at average position of the lever of a choice of a temperature mode.

1. For warming up of space of foot wells translate the lever of a choice of a temperature mode in position of "NOTES", and a control lever воздухораспределителем - in position (3).
2. Include a high-speed operating mode of the fan of a heater.

Mode inclusion obduva/heating of glasses

1. Translate the lever of a choice of a temperature mode in position of "NOTES".
2. Depending on specific targets, establish a control lever воздухораспределителем in position (5), or (4).
3. Switch the fan to a high-speed mode of functioning (4).
4. A control lever an air inlet translate in position (1).
5. Include electroheating of back glass (see more low).


If the car is equipped by air central air, functioning of last becomes possible only at the working engine and included on any of high-speed modes the heater fan.
The conditioner design defines necessity of its operation together with systems of heating and ventilation of salon of the car. The air conditioning allows to achieve passengers of environmental conditions optimum for state of health in car salon under any weather conditions outside.

1. For inclusion of a central air of air press the button located in the centre of the bottom part of the control panel by systems of heating / of ventilation of salon - in the button the control lamp should light up.

System deenergizing is made by repeated pressing of the same button.
At inclusion of the conditioner of air the fuel expense a little raises, therefore it is not necessary to take a great interest in its use without special necessity.

Heating of back glass

The remark

Heating of back glass is possible only at the included ignition.

Inclusion of heating of back glass is made by means of the button coupled in one block with the button of inclusion of the alarm system. At the included heating the control lamp in the button lights up.

The element of a heater of back glass is the power-intensive consumer that is why it should be disconnected at once as soon as glass will get a due transparency.

Electroheating of forward seats

Inclusion of electroheating of each of forward seats of the car (if that is provided) is carried out by the separate button. Both buttons are located on the parties of the central console of the car. At inclusion of a heater in the corresponding button the control lamp lights up.