Opel of Frontera
+ Cars of mark Opel Frontera
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Cooling and heating systems
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Kardannye shaft, the main transfer
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
- Controls and operation
Control panel
Locks, anticreeping adaptations and the body equipment
Knots and systems of safety of the driver and passengers
Management switches lighting and alarm devices
Management of functioning of screen wipers/washers
Adjustment of position of rear-view mirrors, door glasses and the top hatch
Management of giving of an air stream of heating and salon ventilation
Refuelling of the car by fuel
+ Electric equipment schemes
Adjustment of position of rear-view mirrors, door glasses and the top hatch
Adjustment of position of rear-view mirrors on the support it is possible to achieve максимализации sector of the review of sites burn down behind and sideways from the car.
Besides, the internal rear-view mirror has two stationary positions - day and night. The last is intended for prevention of blinding of the driver by the reflected light of headlights moving behind vehicles in a night-time. For transfer of a mirror from day in night position simply change its inclination in a vertical plane within a stationary range of a spherical support.
Door rear-view mirrors can be equipped both manual, and an electric drive.
In the first case updating of position of a mirror is made by means of the handle established in salon which have been built in in a back part of a support of a mirror.
The switch of the electric drive of updating of position of door mirrors is built in in the handle of a driver's door of the car. At отжимании the rotational switch to the left with its help it is possible to correct position of a mirror of the left door, and on the contrary. |
The electroheating of the external mirrors which activation is made отжимания the button located under the rotational switch of management by position of mirrors is provided also. |
Heating switching-off is made automatically after approximately 15 minutes.
On all models possibility of a manual drive стеклоподъемников door windows is provided.
Management of a regulator is made by means of the door located on an inside by the handle. |
The order of opening and closing of back lateral glasses of 3-door models with a body of type of Ejrtop is described above in the Section devoted to the equipment of a body. |
Электроприводные стеклоподъемники can enter into an additional complete set. Management of the electric drive of lowering-podnimanija of door glasses to become possible only in positions of the ignition key in positions "ON" or "АСС". Management is made with the help кулисных the switches which have been built in in the central console of the car.
Thus on 3-door models it is provided two switches, |
On 5-door, accordingly, four. |
The control indicators built in in switches inform the driver on a mode of functioning of drives стеклоподъемников.
1. For glass lowering it is necessary to press a forward overlay of the corresponding switch a stop has flown down it is made by short pressing a back overlay of the switch. |
2. For поднимания glasses press a back overlay of the corresponding switch. The stop has flown down will occur at отпускании overlays. |
3. Pay attention that on 5-door models assemblage of the left switch is equipped also by the button of blocking of glasses of back doors against unapproved opening by their children. |
4. The button is located between кулисными switches of management of regulators стеклоподъемников the left doors and its squeezing leads to switching-off of giving of a food on corresponding приводные electromotors.
Repeated pressing the button restores power supplies giving. |
3-door models
1. For transfer of a cover of the top hatch in inclined position shift to the right the blocking lever of green colour in the handle of a back clamp. |
2. Having turned, take the handle from the nest and push it upwards. At отпускании the green lever there will be a handle blocking in the set position. |
3. For cover closing again shift the lever and turn the clamp handle downwards and back in the landing nest. |
For the purpose of additional ventilation of salon in hot weather the panel of a cover of the top hatch can be completely removed from a car roof.
The prevention
Cover removal should be made only on motionlessly standing car!
1. For cover removal lift it in inclined position and remove a clamp with шкворня loops, having shifted for this purpose the red blocking button upwards and having lifted a cover. |
2. Remove the panel from a car roof, having turned it for this purpose back. |
Installation of a cover of the hatch
1. For cover installation fill its loops in the reception grooves located on a first line of an aperture of the hatch. |
2. Latch a clamp on шкворне its loops, having blocked it in this position by lowering against the stop the red button. |
5-door models
Manual drive
1. Take from the nest the management handle. |
2. For hatch opening press the button блокиратора and start to rotate the handle counter-clockwise until the hatch cover will not stop in intermediate position. |
3. To open a cover even more strongly again press the button блокиратора and continue to rotate the handle counter-clockwise. |
4. For lowering of a cover from completely open position rotate the drive handle clockwise until the cover will not stop in an intermediate point of the course. |
5. To close the hatch definitively, press the button блокиратора and continue to rotate the handle clockwise to automatic выщелкивания buttons. |
Cover lowering is made by handle rotation counter-clockwise to automatic выщелкивания buttons блокиратора.
The remark
Do not forget to return the handle in the landing nest, having translated its thereby in transport position.
The hatch usually also is equipped sun-protection шторкой which opening is possible both at closed, and at the lifted cover of the hatch. Hatch opening is made together with шторкой.
The electric drive
Инициация the electric drive of a cover of the top hatch it is possible only at the included ignition.
1. For cover opening press a forward overlay кулисного the switch on the ceiling console of the car. |
2. When the cover will accept desirable position, release the button. |
3. Closing of a cover of the hatch is made by pressing of a back overlay of the switch. |
4. To lift a hatch cover, press a back overlay кулисного the switch. |
5. Release the switch when the hatch cover will occupy demanded position. |
Cover lowering is made by pressing of a forward overlay of the switch.
The prevention
At closing / cover lowering watch that no subject has appeared jammed in a hatch aperture!
Before to leave the car, take a key from the ignition lock, having prevented thereby possibility of management of a hatch cover passengers remaining in salon - not qualified using a drive is fraught with reception of traumas!
The electric chain приводного the motor of a cover of the top hatch is protected by the separate safety lock, established in the assembly block.
In default the electric drive management of a hatch cover can be carried out manually.
1. Shift a drive cover in the ceiling console of the car back, wring out подпружиненную the central section of a power shaft a screw-driver and start to rotate a shaft. |
The hatch usually also is equipped sun-protection шторкой which opening is possible both at closed, and at the lifted cover of the hatch. Hatch opening is made together with шторкой. |