Opel Frontera

Since 1992 of release

Repair and car operation

Opel of Frontera
+ Cars of mark Opel Frontera
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Cooling and heating systems
- The power supply system and release
   + The power supply system инжекторных engines
   - Systems of release and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
      Pedal of gas and drive of management of gas
      The air filter and system of giving of air
      System рециркуляции the fulfilled gases
      System подмешивания air in an exhaust
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Kardannye shaft, the main transfer
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Controls and operation
+ Electric equipment schemes


The air filter and system of giving of air


Details of the air filter and system of giving of air of the engine of 2.0 l from the middle of 1995 of release

1 - a soaking up pipe
2 - an external support
3 - the top part of the case air
The filter
4 - a measuring instrument of weight of air
5 - an air hose
6 - the case throttle заслонки
7 - the gauge of temperature of air
8 - an internal support of the filter
9 - the bottom part of the air filter

The design of the filter of the engine of 2.0 l from the middle of 1995 of release is shown on иллюстр. Engine DOHC has a similar design. The difference consists in the form of the big hose всасывания air.
At the engine of 2.4 l the cover of the air filter fastens four spring clips.
All works, concerning the filter, spend, being guided by an illustration.